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Chicago, IL 60631

Milk Allergy


Milk allergy is one of the most common food allergies in the United States.  They effect many children and adults.  For parents of children with milk allergies, school events and celebrations can be a constant source of worry because of possible severe allergic reactions.


Your immune system is the major defense system in your body to fight of germs and bacteria.  But if you have an allergy to milk, your immune system accidentally thinks that the protein found in milk is a problem.  So your immune system will combat the milk protein by producing antibodies and realeasing chemicals to fight off the milk proteins.  These reactions are what cause the symptoms of swelling, itching, diarrhea and possibly even life threatening shortness of breath called anaphylaxis.  Some people have a less severe reaction, and just have milk intolerance.  This means that milk causes uncomfortable symptoms of stomach ache, nausea or diarrhea.  Either way, it is important to tell your doctor at Chicago Allergy & Asthma about any potential symptoms.


Our doctors at Chicago Allergy & Asthma are board certified in the diagnosis of milk allergies, and also in delivering the best treatment options.  We will perform a thorough medical history and examination including obtaining a detailed food history.  Depending on your symptoms, your doctor may recommend skin testing to determine which foods are triggering symptoms.

If your doctors discover that you do have a milk allergy, they may prescibe you an auto-injectable epinephrine to always carry in case of a serious reaction.  This simple medication can potentially be life saving in instances of a severe reaction.  If you are having a severe reaction, use your auto-injectable epinephrine immediately and call 911.


Children often times are able to outgrow their food allergies over time, however milk allergy can continue on throughout adulthood.  Repeated testing may help to figure out whether the allergy is getting better over time.









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